Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Dancing Can Improve Your Relationship

It doesn't matter that I've seen this mid-80s silly hit 50 times—I always have to watch at least 2 of the dance scenes again. Not because I have to hear Johnny Castle (is that a great name or what?) say, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" before he takes her hand and hauls her up on stage, although that line makes me laugh every single time I hear it.

No. I watch because, inside my heart, I believe with all my heart that I could learn those steps from Patrick Swayze, wear a sexy dress, and do a fantastic job with that final number. If you’re a woman reading this, you're nodding your head, saying, "Yes! Yes!" Any woman worth her spiked heeled strappy shoes would agree: There but for the grace of a good dance partner go I.

And for the MEN—what does Dirty Dancing do for them? They may laugh at Johnny's big line, but shouldn't a movie that has captivated so many women have something to say to men?

The teaching and the learning of the dance steps. The early challenges of Johnny and Baby’s partnership. The slow build, from the first time they show off in public at that nearby resort to the orgasmic scene where they put it all out for the world to see, is a road map for what women want. Dancing can improve your relationship.

What does Baby get from Johnny that makes her fall so hard? She gets what all women want from their lovers: patience, dedication, and decisiveness; confidence in themselves and their partners; the good sense to share the spotlight—and even step into the shadows occasionally—and, finally, strength.

Did Baby feel good about her first few turns around the room with Johnny? Not really. Did he believe he was realistically making a huge mistake? Yes. Does that sound like any of YOUR first dates? Or maybe the first few years of your marriage?

But they made it through the toe squishing and missed moves. Somewhere along the line, Johnny's patience as an instructor paid off. His confidence helped Baby improve her own natural abilities, and they became each other’s perfect partners.

And the climax of the whole thing, never-to-be-missed final scene? The lift! The scary, you-better-hold-on-tight-and-not-drop-me, I’m-not-sure-I-can-do-this lift! With grace, trust, and a look of pure joy, Baby throws herself into Johnny's waiting arms.

This is just an example of how dancing will improve your relationship. Try it. Give it some time, some patience and tolerance, show your partner your strengths and your weaknesses. This is guaranteed to work. My famous last line to all the hesitant, scared people that walk into my studio is, “Just get out there and do it, cry about it later.” Everyone ends up enjoying themselves, learning something fun and healthy.

Posted by Bea Hive Ballroom 

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