Monday, January 4, 2010

5 Common Questions about Weight Loss, Dieting and General Health

1. Does seeing your family stress you out so much that you feel it will kill you?
A. Yes. I’ve have to get away from these psychos, they’re killing me.
B. No. They may drive me nuts sometimes, but I'll live.

2. Can being fat make your face age faster than if you had normal weight?
A. Yes. it does.
B. No. Being fat actually stretches your skin and smoothes out the wrinkles.

3. Do  New Year’s health resolutions (like those for weight loss and exercise) ususally focus on long term or short term goals?

A. Long term. The tortoise won the race!!!
B. Short term. I want it ALL now

4. Why do you eat high calorie desserts when you are already full from your meal?

A. Hormones. Good thing to blame it on.
B. Sense of smell. You can't have just one whiff!!

5. Is being a food addict real or imagines when it comes to continued obesity?

A. Real. Food is an addiction just like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
B. Imagined. Fat people just eat TOOOOO MUCH

Real Answers

1. A.
Yes. Stressful situations make autoimmune diseases worse and can cause latent infections to reemerge. So if seeing your family during for the holidays stresses you out.....  Watch out!!!.

2. A.
According to the Archives of Dermatology, there are 5 things that age your face faster than normal... Sun damage, being overweight, smoking, a history of skin cancer, and not using sunscreen.

3. A.
The long term.  Short term weight loss is temporary and does not change your habits. There is a lifestyle change associated with successful long term goals.

4. A.
Actually, it IS hormones… one called ghrelin.
It not only causes us to eat when hungry, but it may also be responsible for causing us to eat pleasurable and “rewarding” foods like desserts when we’re already full.

5. A.
I bet skinny people answered B and fat people answered A.  Reality is - overeating is a disease just like alcoholism and drug addiction.  There is a chemical in the brain that even one bite of food sets off.  It sets the wheels in motion of "I want more".  Unfortunately, with food, you can not exercise complete abstinence as you can with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.  It makes this addiction the hardest to fight.  12 step programs have alot of success as well as many self help groups.

Even so, the researchers are quick to point out that obese individuals still have the free will to make the choice to lose weight.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting QA. This has also cleared some of my doubts. Thanks for sharing.

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