Monday, December 20, 2010

Decrease Childhood Obesity Through Dance

Weight problems are not only a big issue for adults but also a significant problem for children. We can see the phenomenon of childhood obesity everywhere. We can see it in the classroom, at the swimming pool, on the playgrounds, and in the malls. The worst thing, childhood obesity statistics have increased over the last year.  The increase in statistics is most likely caused by the change in people's lifestyle due to our decreased economy and all the bad effects it has on our society.  People in general are stressed out.

When we are stressed out, our children are stressed out and the trickle down effect causes weight and emotional problems in our kids.  These issues need to be addressed at an early stage to help decrease obesity, boost self esteem and self image as well as instill a positive life outlook in our children.

Regular physical exercise is an important part of EVERYONE'S life.  People that live stagnant lifestyles will usually raise children that live stagnant lifestyles as well.  Many suffer from obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and many other health problems. Stagnant adults lead to stagnant children.  It is absolutely necessary to have your children involved in regular physical activities to ensure the installation of positive life practices for them.

Learning to dance will help boost self esteem, teach respect of the opposite sex, provide regular exercise and promote a team player experience for your children.  Dancing lessons are frequently much less expensive than sports or other outdoor activities.  It puts your child on a stage for you to watch and be proud of.  It also plays a significant role in decreasing obesity and low self esteem. It will also decrease obesity in adults if you take lessons at the same time.

It is a proven fact that people who dance, live longer.

OC Arts Center is a Non Profit organization that provides a Performing Arts Institution so that all the kids in the community can enjoy the experience of dance and performing arts.

Here are OC Arts Center we offer lessons that are for the entire family.  We are dedicated to increasing awareness in our children and their families the importance of exercise and general good health and wellness practices.  Many of our children come from underpriveledged families and need your support to be a part of our program. 

Our programs include dancing and arts lessons for ages 1-17.  We try to include all styles and levels so that there is something for everyone.  Our program is multicultural and includes dances from cultures such as Mexico, India and Columbia.  Our teachers have many years of experience and play a significant role in keeping the kids active, involved and happy.

These programs are not without costs and only through the support of the community can we continue to provide Visual, Performing and Language Arts to all the children in the community.  We survive through the donations of businesses and people in the community that believe in keeping our kids off the street and in a safe, healthy environment.  Our teens don't drink, smoke or use drugs.  They don't rob liquor stores or feel like they need to bully the next kids because they are different.  We strive to provide them with the best possible life experience in the Arts.

Please help by making a donation of any kind to our program.  Every little bit helps.

Teach your children to enjoy life.  Enjoy the moment and do what makes them happy.  Dancing has brought enjoyment to millions of adults and children for many many years.  Join OC Arts or help support our community with your donation.

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