Monday, September 7, 2009

Dance classes are great for children. Once they’re old enough to play with others and be part of a group, they can participate in all kinds of activities, including sports like soccer, t-ball and gymnastics. Many parents choose a dance or gymnastics class as their child’s first class because it’s good for children as young as 2 or 3 years old.

Many kids love this activity and continue with dance or gymnastics through high school and beyond. Others grow from this experience and go on to try different things. Here are some of the benefits of early involvement in dance classes.

  • Exercise. Children who partake in dance classes are constantly active. Dance, regardless of what style, helps children build endurance, strengthen muscles, and increase flexibility. Dancing also teaches children to appreciate and take care of their body. Instilling these healthy values in your child while they are young can have long term positive effects.
  • Coordination: Enrolling your son or daughter in dance classes will help them acquire a keen sense of coordination. Coordination is imperative in the world of dance. Children are more apt to pick up and keep skills that they learn at an early age, so the dexterity of dance will become second nature to your child. It can also be an advantage as your child grows and decides to pursue other activities like sports.
  • Social Skills. Dance classes allow your child to interact with their peers in a positive manner. Joining in similar activities with like-minded individuals will give them bonding experiences that will last for a life time. Dance and gymnastics classes are non-competitive and are often cooperative.
  • Creativity: Dance classes will help your child get in touch with their creative sides by exposing them to the art of many cultures offering a wide variety of creative influences. Involving them in this kind of instruction so young will help them hone in on their own skills which can lead them to lifelong hobbies or even to their dream career.
  • Appreciation of the Arts: Dance is not limited to a series of movements performed to music. Different styles of dance are influenced by different cultures. Dance classes will educate your children on several cultures and artistic movements throughout history.
  • Responsibility: Dance classes require a certain amount of responsibility and dedication. Should your child become involved in dance they will learn the value of commitment in terms of progress. This life lesson is extremely important in all arenas and will help them succeed in the future.
  • Confidence: Performing in front of others is something a lot of teens and adults fear. Involving your child in dance will lead to performances in front of family and friends. As they progress in their dance career they will be on stage in front of larger audiences. Each well executed performance (be it in practice or on stage) will leave them more confident in themselves.

There’s no shortage of dance studios in Orange County that offer children’s classes. You can pick out a dance studio by visiting and watching a class in action. Many city recreation departments offer introductory dance classes for kids. This is a great way to find out what a studio is like, while only making a commitment for 6 weeks or so.

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