Saturday, December 24, 2011

Bah Humbug Christmas Story

Well, it's the day before Christmas and all through the town. Everyone is shopping to prevent the dreaded Christmas gift frown. You need a good present for all the people you know or they feel neglected because appreciation you don't show. So spend all your money on the gifts you will get and start the new year with a huge amount of new debt.

I hate to be bah humbug but Christmas seems to be the most stressful time of year for me. It has become so commercialized that businesses all over the world just capitalize on the "gift giving" season to increase profits and sell sell sell.  It's really quite ridiculous.  It has lost the meaning of the birth of Christ or any of the religious aspects of it.  Many children nowadays don't even know the meaning of Christmas or why we all go crazy buying stuff for everyone once a year.  Lots of kids think it's just the time of year to get something out of their parents.

Now that I own a business i recognize the importance of using Christmas as a means to make money and it sickens me.  I want to close for the holidays completely but financially it is impossible.  I struggle all year to keep the business going and then December hits and everyone wants to cancel or hold memberships, stop going to classes and the place is a ghost town for a month.  Even though all the expenses are the same in December as they are every other month. My income is at about 30% of regular and on top of it, I'm expected to buy gifts for people i only see at Christmas and my daughter is asking for an iPad for Christ's sake,  AND I FEEL GUILTY ABOUT NOT BEING ABLE TO GET IT FOR HER!!!!  I cry alot at Christmas and need the support of my close friends just to feel like there is a purpose to this madness.

At this time i want to take a deep breath and let the worry go. Take just a moment to remember the joys of Christmas and why we celebrate it.  Remember that it is not the amount of money you spend on a gift but why you purchased it in the first place. Try to be nice to people around you and don't throw things when you hear the Christmas music.  I'm writing this article for all the people out there that are as stressed out as I am.  By Monday, the holidays are half over.  January 1st is a new year again and we have a chance to catch up.

As always remember - No matter how bad it seems, there is always someone worse off than you.  When things get really bad just think "At least I'm not THAT guy!!!!"


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Importance of Technique in Dance

If you are a dancer I bet that you are working hard to clean up and make your routines better all the time.  While you spend most of your time focusing on your routines though, never forget to improve on the most important element in dance... TECHNIQUE!!  This is the core fundamentals of dance.  You always have to hold your body correctly while performing and execute your skills properly.  Good technique is imperative in all areas of dance regardless of the style.  If you dance jazz, hip hop, ballroom, latin or tap there is always an element of technique to improve. 

Great Technique

Here are some helpful tips to use on your own or with your teams to help improve overall technique as dancers.

Body Alignment

Dancers will frequently spend so much time on choreography that they forge to hold themsilves correctly when dancing.  Whether they are beginners or more advanced, don't forget to go back to basics when needed. Have them stand with feet together, hads at sides and go from the top down on how to hold their bodies
  • Chin Lifted, long neck, eyes straight ahead.
  • Shoulders down and back
  • Rib cage closed.
  • Tight stomach muscles.
  • Hips even and level
  • Knees relaxed and not locked. Slightly bent legs.
  • Feet turned out or parallel. Turnout comes from hips with the knees always in a line over the toes.
Spins and Turns

  • Start with the prep, Make sure they have the weight distributed evenly between both legs.
  • Practice moving from the prep to the spin position without actually rotating to practice finding their center.  They will find their center of balance if they execute good body alignment.
  • Practice spotting.  Do this by doing chain turns across the floor.  These are spins that link together by staying on the balls of your feet and focusing on one spot as you move across the floor, one spin at a time.
  • Work on control of the spin. Walk across the floor starting with the right 1-2-3, prep on 4, spin on 5-6, down to right knee on 7-8.  This helps gain control and remain lifted while coming out of a spin.
Leaps and Jumps

  • Always point and stretch the feet the second they leave the floor.
  • Use a proper plie instead of arms to gain height on jumps or leaps. Do a plie, push off both feet and go up to "fly". Always land in a plie when coming out of any aerial movements to avoid injuries.
  • When doing toe touches or leaps in second position, make sure the hips are level and the butt is tucked under.
  • Chin lifts will help gain more height.
Once the basics are mastered, a dancer is ready to challenge themself with more advanced moves.  It's kind of like a building block, after one skill is mastered you can move on to the next. The key to success is practice and repetition.  Always remember that when you are incorporating a difficult move it is not measured by the level of skill needed to perform it but rather the proper execution of the move.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Dance in The Holidays

It’s that time of year again, and holiday shopping is in full swing. What are you going to give this year? Instead of the usual and ordinary, give the gift of an unforgettable experience this season when you give the gift of dance. Forget re-gifting that toaster you got last year – dance lessons are a unique gift that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Avoid the crowds at the mall and head to the dance studio instead. Not only do they offer lessons for any level, but they will also have many choices in dance apparel. So whether you want to introduce someone to dance for the first time, or are giving a gift to an experienced dancer, there is a great option for you.

With black Friday over, now is the perfect time to be shopping for holiday specials and Christmas discounts on dance lessons and dance apparel. Unsure which class to give as an exciting gift? Or perhaps you know a dancer but don’t know their taste in dance apparel. Look for offers on discount gift certificates this season. You’ll get a deal, and they’ll get the dancing experience they really want.

Everyone wants to give a unique gift that shows they care. Giving the gift of dance shows the recipient that they are important to you. Show your Aunt Sally that you want her to have a great time learning to salsa. Or help your daughter prepare for the first dance at her sweet sixteen or quinseañera. Rekindle the flame with your husband or wife and sign up for ballroom dancing. The gift of dance is fun for people in all stages of life.

Not only is dancing super fun, but it can benefit our lives overall. Dance is great exercise, releases those feel-good endorphins, and helps to increase strength and agility. Dance class is also a great place to meet new people. Forget the standard gifts you buy at the mall ever year. Instead, sign up a loved one for a unique experience in the dance studio. And don’t forget, with great deals this time of year, it only makes sense to give the gift of dance to yourself too!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Youth Rock Awards in Hollywood

One of the hottest awards shows to hit our scenes took place in Hollywood on Wednesday, December 7th.  It was at the Avalon Theater, right in the middle of Hollywood, and the event had red carpet, celebrities, live performances and a rockin after party.

Jonathan George of JG Entertainment created these award to recognize and celebrate our top young artists.  Ages are 25 and under and they must perform in Music, Dance, TV and/or Film.  The Youth Rock Awards were designed to help this talented young dancers and performers to excel in dance, music and acting.  This year’s nominees include celebrities from some of today’s hottest TV shows and networks such as: Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, Disney, Nickelodeon, So You Think You Can Dance, America’s Best Dance Crew; breakout stars in films such as Twilight, X‐Men: First Class, Kick Ass, Sucker Punch, Super 8; and music artists from Bruno Mars to Justin Bieber.

This was a fabulous event and here at The Bea Hive we are constantly striving to turn out dancers worthy of these awards.  Congratulations to all the nominees.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How far is too far for dirty dancing on television?

OMG, Argentina takes the cake for dirty, dirty, dirty reality TV!!!!!!
Dancing for a Dream is the Argentinian version of our Dancing With The Stars and it takes "dancing" into a truly rated XXX territory.

If you want to get hot and bothered, watch Silvina Escudero and Nicolás Scillama do an incredibly sexy performance on this show to Aerosmith's song "Crazy."

Our DWTS's are truly G-rated compated to this stuff and it makes The  Bea Hive stuff look like an old woman rocking in a chair.

On this Dancing for a Dream show celebrities are paired with regular people who want to have some sort of wish granted.  In th ecase of Nocolas Scillama, who was paired iwth Argentinean tv star, Maxim and Playboy model, I think you can only guess
what his wish was!!!

Their performance consisted of all kinds of crazy sex acts including oral, both ways, as well as fondling, power plays and some crazy sex positions.  The most shocking was the end, when he removes her bra and does actual breast licking right there on stage!!!!  GEEEZZZZ, This is television.  Would you let your children watch this?  I got a bit worked up watching it MYSELF, i can imagine the effect it has on more visually stimulated people.
See for yourself (but I warned you! XXX).  Don't press play if your children are present.  But if your significant other is there, it will be the start of a fabulous evening.

Thank God most dance studios still teach thier children clean dancing skills.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So What About Bollywood for Dance Cardio?

Dance-based workouts, from Zumba to Bollywood  take your fitness from boring to fun.

It's kind of like killing two birds with one stone because you are learning the basics of a world dance while burning calories and getting good cardiac workouts.  After class you are dripping with sweat and feel completely exhilirated.
Bollywood cardio fitness classes are not the dancer's regular dance class.  There is a distinction betweent he technique-based dance classes and true dance fitness classes. These bollywood workouts command center stage.

Fitness is the goal, you simplify the moves and get more aerobic elements and save learning the "art" for another avenue.

Bollywood Gypsy Fitness dancing is a fusion of traditional and folk dances, Middle Eastern and Gypsy dance styles, classical Indian dance and western influences such as jazz, hip hop, and modern. An easy to follow dance class that will have you sweating as much as smiling! No previous knowledge of dance or music is required.
Most people that take these classes are neither dancers nor indian and that is what makes the class so atractive.  When you hear it you want to break out!!!

"(Choosing the) music is half the battle," Nath said. "Most people in my class are neither dancers nor Indian, so that's what makes the class so attractive. When you hear it you want to break out."
Great music, fun and easy to do moves and the excitement of forgettng you are exercising is probably why the Latin-inspired dance fitness Zumba has been so successful.
Zumba seems to have hit that happy place where people can let go and be themselves
Time flies by, and you don't feel stupid if you can't dance. Zumba's been around for a while and some other fun dance styles have been popping up.  The Bea Hive has had a very successful Zumba program for 2 years now.  Some of the members have lost more than 30 or 40 pounds since they started.  Many come 5 days a week and The Bea Hive is part of their daily routine.

Now they are adding Bollywood Gypsy Cardio classes by Amna Mazin.  You may have seen her work in So You Think You Can Dance and music videos such as 'Teach Me How to Dougie'.  If you get a chance to enjoy one of these classes you will be hooked for life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How To Wear Your Hair for Dance Perfomances

One of the most frustrating things for me, as a parent with a performing teenager is what the heck do i do with her hair????  I don't know about you but my daughter is 13 and although she brushes her hair every morning she just leaves it down all day and it just looks messy all the time.  Even when she puts it in a pony tail it looks good for a little while but after running around and especially after dancing a bit, it's all ratty and messy again.  I have several performances of her and her dancing is great but my friends always notice how her hair is not "done".  So i decided to do a bit of research and see what i could find on how other people do their kids hair for performances and if maybe other parents have the same issue.  I mean it's all good when they are young because we just do it for them but now that she is a teenager, she won't let me touch it.

Since there are different dance styles, there are different hair styles.  A general rule of thumb is, keep it out of your face so it remains visible to the audience and you can stay coordinated throughout the performance.  You don't want to block your vision.

My favorite style, which of course my daughter hates, is the Bun:

This is actually the most common hairstyle for dancers.  It can be worn high or low and keeps the hair pulled back away from the face.  It also provides a sleek and professional appearance.  It can be made simple or very elegant and ribbons or flowers can be added for additional beauty. 

French Braid

Alot of dancers like the French braid.  It keeps the hair pulled back but gives the style an elegant appearance.  I am not particularly fond of the french braid because A. the dancer normally needs someone else to do it for them and B. It gets messy fairly quickly if not used with alot of hairspray and gel.  If done properly though it can be very sophisticated and work well with perfomances.


This is my daughters favorite because it is easy and quick.  It is the most common hairstyle around the world.  The simplicity alone can complement the dance and you can add ribbons, flowers, hairpieces or jewels to fit the style of dance being performed.  Once again, ponytails get messy quick if you don't use hairspray and/or gel to keep it nice.  It's great for practice but for performance you want it sleek and professional.

Wearing It Down

Everyone has different hair types.  By keeping it down you can showcase your own personal style and uniqueness. Clips, headbands, pins or other accessories can be added but make sure it isn't something that will fly off during spins or turns or flips.  My daughter loves her hair to fly around while performing but to me it looks messy and unkempt when it's down.  Most performers don't wear their hair down.

You can curl your hair for a nice, elegant look.  Some dancers have natural curls and they should emphasize them if it looks nice.  Curls are a good hairstyle for any style of dance but can add a very soft, subtle look to slower styles of dancing such as ballet, modern or lyrical.
Funky Hair

Funky hairstyles usually go with hip hop or modern dances.  You can tease your hair and get a crazy, outlandish look.  Throw in some color, spikes or braids and it will be a great match for your funky dance number.

Remember that however you wear your hair, it should be professional looking and not be flying all over.  You want people to see you DANCE, not be distracted by your hair style. 

I found a youtube video that will show you how to do some cool curls with your daughters hair.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

What is proper Dance Etiquette?

For some people dancing in a social environment means something different than it does to others.  When you go to normal top 40 nightclubs and 99% of the dancing is freestyle or non partner dancing, there tends to be alot of bumping and grinding and close rubbing of bodies on the dance floor. These clubs have been given nicknames such as meat markets, sleaziums or pick up joints because the mind set on the majority of the crowd is to meet, greet and take home someone for the purpose of casual sex.  Its very common in the younger community and with people that are not familiar with "partner" dancing or have any experience with the true "dance" crowd.

When these people switch to partner dancing there is a completely different mindset.  We learn to dance with people that are not our idea of "beautiful".  We learn respect of the opposite sex and that going dancing is not directly related to having casual sex.  We also learn that there is a tremendous amount of fun to be had without being completely distracted with finding someone to take home.

Unfortunately, when these former "bump and grinders" switch over the partner dance scene, they are completely unaware of proper dance etiquette.  Here are a few suggestions that might help if you find yourself being shunned or treated rudely by your fellow dance partners.

I. Asking for a Dance
   A. Gentlemen: In a social environment when you are among people you know, it is easier to ask a lady to dance. Sometimes, eye contact and extending your hand is good enough.  This  may not be as easy to when you are in a new environment with people you don't know. In such scenario, it is best to stick to traditional ways of asking for a dance such as: Can I have this dance? Care to dance? Would you like to dance with me?
   B. Ladies: It is perfectly OK to ask a guy to dance. Don't wait for them to ask you, you may wait all night if there are alot of women at the dance.  Don't forget to smile and check your body language. If you are serious with your hands crossed, no one will approach you. If you make some eye contact and reply with a smile you will have several guys ask you to dance in no time.

II. Saying No to a Dance Request
     A. Gentlemen:  Sometimes your dance requests will be declined by several ladies. Realize that some ladies only feel comfortable dancing with their friends and it may take some time and overall confidence before they start to say “Yes” to strangers. Other scenarios may include being on a date and feeling that they just need to focus on that person; and / or considering that they simply may not like you very much. At any point, be gracious about it and smile. Practice practice practice your dance skills. The better dancer you are, the more the ladies will say YES.
Do NOT ask her to dance repeatedly after she said “No”; trying to drag her into the dance floor against her will; and / or insulting her for declining you. If do you any of these, you are guaranteed a “Hell No” for the rest of your dancing career.
If a lady asks you to dance, you MUST say Yes! regardless if you broke your foot or not! Take it as a compliment and show her a good time. Decline a dance request if and only if: a. you do not do that kind of dance or you happen to be with a date that night.
     B. Ladies: Saying No to a dance request can be interpreted as rejection and it is often a harsh thing to hear for guys with big egos.  But most of all, if other guys see you say no to ONE guy, they will lose confidence to ask you and you might find yourself sitting out most of the songs.  DON'T EVER say no to the first request of the night.  Even if it is Mr. Magoo - Dance with HIM!!!!
III. Entering the Dance Floor
       A. Gentlemen:  Please take responsibility to escort the lady to a spot on the dance floor where it is safe to dance – that is, your entrance is not interfering with other couples that are already dancing, there are no obstacles on the dance floor (chairs, tables, cables) that you can easily hit or trip while dancing, and that there are no spills (from drinks) or broken glass on the place that you are dancing.
       B. Ladies: Allow the gentlemen to lead you to the dance floor. Be sure to communicate any requests or suggestions prior engaging into the dance. If you find a better place to dance, be sure to take his hand and direct him there.

IV. Sharing the Dance Floor
       A. Gentlemen: Always take care of your lady and make sure she doesn’t bump into other couples. Keep your moves simple and always adapt to your partner’s level if she is not as advanced as you are. If you are on a crowded floor, remember to take small steps and keep your eyes open for other couples dancing.
       B. Ladies: Minimize your styling on crowded floors and remember to take small steps. Be patient with your partner if he is not as advanced as you are.

V. While Dancing
      A. Gentlemen: Smile and be personable.  Look your parnter in the eye and avoid feeling her up when doing turns.  No bumping or grinding or rubbing your private parts on her.  When you mess up, smile but don't make her feel it's her fault.  Even it is.  If she isn't that great a dancer, now you know. Wait till she is before asking again.
      B. Ladies:  Smile and be personable. Look your parnter in the eye and feel free to feel him up when doing turns. Guys love this. When you mess up, smile but don't make him feel it's his fault. Even it is. If he isn't that great a dancer, now you know. Wait till he is before asking or saying yes again.
VI. At the End of the Dance
      A. Gentlemen: Thank your partner and escort her back to where you asked her to dance. If you want to continue dancing with her, ask her right after the song ends to make sure she is fine with it. Never leave your partner out on the dance floor. Don't ask for numbers until the end of the night, hold her hand.
      B. Ladies: After the dance is over, thank your partner. If you still want to dance with him, ask him with a smile. But don't take no as a rejection.  Men dance with multiple partners at dance events.  This is normal.  If you bring a date, especially one that is a great dancer, you MUST share.  But only on the dance floor.  At the end of the night, your man will leave with YOU so don't get scared.
Personal Hygiene, Attire and Personal Items

Personal Hygiene –  Please shower before going dancing.  Wash your hands after using the restroom and eat a breath mint after dinner if you don't have a toothbrush handy.  These small tips will help you have more success on the dance floor because people are more inclined to dance with someone that doesn't carry an odor.  And guys, when you do your laundry, put the wet clothes in the dryer fairly quickly and use a fabric softener.  There is nothing worse than a shirt that smells like a wet carpet after a couple of dances.  If you sweat a lot, carry with an extra shirt on your car trunk and change if needed. Also carry with a pocket towel to manage facial perspiration.

Attire – dress for the occasion. If you attend a formal event wearing rugged jeans or shorts, do you think people will want to dance with you? Ladies, wear clothes that you know will not have “wardrobe malfunctions” while dancing or that you do not find yourself making several adjustments every 20 seconds. Guys, if the lady is wearing a strap less top, avoid dips!

Personal Items – Guys do not have so much of a problem since hiding their personal items is easy given the number of pockets in our pants and shirts; ladies, on the other hand, may not have the luxury. Take only what you need to social dance events. The more your bring with you, the more you will have to worry if left unattended.
Hope these tips enhance your dancing experience in social settings. Do you have any other suggestions in terms of dancing etiquette? Please share them with us. See you on the dance floor soon!

Even more fun, do you have some NON Etiquette suggestions.  Share with us a story of what someone did on the dance floor that is just NOT OK.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

This Weekend at The Bea Hive! December 10th

The Bea Hive Dance Center
The Bea Hive Monthly Newsletter
This Weekend


 Yoga Workshop

Yoga Workshop

December 10th

Register Now!




Bea Hive Christmas Party Recital

Join us at The Bea Hive for our annual Family Christmas Party.

Itinerary includes:
5pm Dinner
6pm Fun/Games/Contests
7pm Recital and Show
8-10pm Open Dancing with
DJ Playing top 40's.

$20.00 per adult
2 for $30.00
$10.00 for Children.
Children performing are free

Gifts for all the kids, Raffles and Prizes.
Don't miss this fun event.










Upcoming Events and Workshops



Sexy Mrs. Claus

Couples ONLY!!!!

Ladies bring that special person in your life to our Sexy Mrs Clause lap dance workshop.
Give the sweetest gift of pure pleasure this Christmas.


Instructor: Josie Neglia
Cost: $29.00 per Couple
One Time Special Event. Don't Miss Out.
$39.00 At the Door.


Register Here!





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Bookmark our calendar

This is a calendar of upcoming events that The Bea Hive Sponsors.  We are now including events by other partners and venues to keep you up to date on what's going on in the Dance World

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Give The Bea Hive or Latin Dance Store a good review on Yelp and recieve a free dance class.  Good reviews help optimize our website and bring in more people.
Thank you for your support of The Bea HIve and helping us to stay open in these economically challenging times.

Contact Information
Beatrix Dozier
Event Coordinator and Programs Director
Bea Hive: 714-638-5601 

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Latin Dance Store - The Bea Hive | 9627 Chapman Ave | Garden Grove | CA | 92841