Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aerial Dance Fitness!!!

Hi everyone! Just a little info about the new aerial dance and fitness classes starting September 8th in Garden Grove at The Bea Hive!

What is Aerial Dance Fitness?

Aerial dance fitness is what happens when fitness and dancing come together! Aerial Dance Fitness revitalizes the traditional “fitness class” experience by incorporating balance and stretching movements with the exhilarating strength and cardiovascular conditioning of aerial arts training.

How does it work?

Students are led through a movement program by Ruby Karen, our world class acrogymnast and aerialist. The program has been designed to build strength and flexibility while maintaining its key component: having fun! While the Ruby leads the class through demonstration,she shows the students how to most effectively develop the movements. Through the use of hammocks, hoops and tissu, aerial dance fitness includes swinging, inversion and other aerial-based techniques that uniquely encourage conditioning of the mind, body and spirit.

I’m sorry, did you say “hammocks”?

That’s right: each student uses a fabric hammock, hoop or tissu to support and develop their movements throughout the class. These apparatus's encourage broader variations and give assistance as needed throughout the movements; they also enable the essential element of aerial dance fitness: dancing and flying!

What should I expect?

Students will be led through a progression of movements designed to build muscle tone and flexibility while enjoying the use of the hammocks, hoop or tissu for support and assistance. The class includes inversion and swinging techniques, and the program is structured to accommodate all levels of students.

What should I do to prepare for class? And bring to class?

• Arrive well-hydrated (water is not allowed inside the studio but may be purchased at the Juice bar.)
• Bring a yoga mat or towel, especially for kneeling movements
• If you tend to perspire heavily, bring a hand towel or washcloth
• Eat lightly an hour or so before class; don’t come with a full stomach

Why aerial dance fitness (or, what’s this class going to give me that any other fitness class out there isn’t)?

The hammocks used in Aerial Dance Fitness create a wealth of opportunities for all-over conditioning, improvement of muscle tone, and engagement of core muscles unparalleled by any ground-based activity. Swinging and inversion techniques further broaden those opportunities. Aerial Dance Fitness encourages engagement, participation and fun while giving its students a fantastic workout, so the real question is, why not Aerial Dance Fitness?

Who will benefit from Aerial Dance Fitness?

Everyone can benefit from Aerial Dance Fitness! Students manage the resistance and level of challenge by simply shifting their hammock positioning throughout the class. Aerial Dance Fitness offers its students a new way to experience fitness: a powerful workout combining strength, balance, flexibility and core training infused with the joyous element of dance!

What are the benefits of Aerial Dance Fitness?

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of inversion techniques, core strengthening and overall fitness promoted through complementary muscle system training. Aerial Dance Fitness can give its students:

• Effective overall conditioning
• Deep core building and strengthening
• Safe, effective inversion movements
• Decompression of the spine
• Increased flexibility, balance and agility
• Healthy cardiovascular function
• Increased muscle tone
• Better spatial and sensorial awareness
• Flying for fitness!

What is your class pricing?

Classes are $72 for a four-week session (1 class each week. or $18 per class) or $20 for a drop-in introductory class.

Can I try out a class?

Introductory classes at drop-in rates will be offered throughout the year for new students to try single classes one at a time.

When and where are classes held?

Classes are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm, at the Bea Hive Dance Center.

Do I need to sign up for the same class every week?

Your registration saves you a slot in the same class each week for four weeks. So if you sign up for classes on Tuesdays, you’ll come to the classes on Tuesday each week for four weeks.

How do I sign up for classes?

You can register on the website anytime. You can come to the studio anytime during business hours - 10am till midnight. You can call us and register by phone. 714-638-5601.

How do I pay for a class?

We accept cash, visa, mastercard, and discover.

What should I wear to class?

• yoga type clothes
• snug, but moveable clothing
• layered snug clothing
• your shirt must cover your armpits
• pants must cover the backs of the knees

nearly as important to your Aerial Dance Fitness experience is what you should NOT wear to class…What should I not wear to class?

• jewelry of any kind: necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings (wedding rings are permitted if covered by athletic tape)
• clothing with zippers, snaps or buttons
• tank top t-shirts (unless layered under or over a shirt that covers the armpits)
• long or sharp fingernails

How difficult are Aerial Dance Fitness classes?

Because we have a mixed-level student base, we teach to all levels. That said, some will find an Aerial Dance Fitness class unaccommodating. The class can be especially grueling for those with a BMI of 25 or higher. That said, most students who are in good health with a moderate level of fitness will likely be delighted by the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the class.

Do I need prior dance experience? Aerial experience? Is this a circus class?

While any prior experience in dance or aerial arts can be helpful, it isn’t necessary to have any. The first fifteen minutes of each class (after warm up) will be spent helping beginners adjust and safely maneuver in their apparatus.

Aerial Dance Fitness is not by any means a circus class. The class has been designed to give an all-over workout that diversifies the challenges of a traditional fitness class by adding the hammock, hoop and tissu for inversion, support and flying. While an altogether enthralling experience, Aerial Dance Fitness is not a circus class.

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